Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Michigan Wedding Photographer!

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah BLOG!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am not someone who falls over myself to ooze wonderful, gooey praise onto people and so many of the wedding blogs I've seen just GUSH about their fabulous brides and grooms. We get it! You're happy, they're happy... enough already! So I figured I would post a few favorite photos from my weddings and tell fun, behind the scenes story. I do love my couples, I just don't want to be another over the top, falsely effusive blogger!
So here goes... on my wedding a few weeks ago, there was the most charming little man in the wedding party. His name was Jayden. He was three, maybe four... a great age for creating potential wild moments and mischief. It was his mom's wedding, so I was expecting an outburst or two. I mean, the kids was totally entitled to a tantrum. His schedule had been all messed up, he wasn't the center of attention. But no... he was awesome. He was better behaved then some of the groomsment... a perfect little gentleman. Okay, so I really thought he might end up in the fountain at some point during the night (I left before he did... if he did!). Anyways, I thought I'd show you some of my favorite little man Jayden photos.